2Establishment of next-generation digital comprehensive information system
02차세대 디지털 종합정보시스템 구축
2Inauguration of the 12th President Kim Dong Ik (reappointment)
02제12대 김동익 총장 연임
12Graduate School of Medicine acquired medical education evaluation certification from Korea Institute of Medical Education Evaluation (4 years)
12의학전문대학원 한국의학교육평가원 의학 교육 평가 인증 획득 (4년)
11College of Pharmacy Acquired Pharmacy Education Evaluation Certification from Korea Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation Institute (5 years)
11약학대학 한국약학교육평가원 약학 교육 평가 인증 획득 (5년)
10개교 25주년 기념식 개최
10Ceremony commemorating the school’s 25th anniversary
05교육조직 개편 (미래융합대학, 차오름교양대학 신설)
미래형 교육체제 ‘전공자유선택제’ 시행
05Educational organization reorganization (New Future Convergence University and Chaoreum Liberal Arts College established)
Implementation of the futuristic education system ‘Free Major Selection System’
03교육부 ‘대학혁신지원사업’ 선정 (3년, 약 98억원)
03Selected as ‘University Innovation Support Project’ by the Ministry of Education (3 years, approximately KRW 9.8 billion)
032023학년도 간호학과 정원 증원(10명)
03Increased number of students in the Department of Nursing for the 2023 school year (10 students)
01과학관 증축 (1,582.46㎡)
01Expansion of science building (1,582.46㎡)
09Selected as a university for general financial support by the Ministry of Education for the 3rd cycle of university basic competency diagnostic evaluation
09교육부 3주기 대학기본역량진단평가 일반재정지원대학 선정
02제11대 김동익 총장 취임
02Inauguration of the 11th President Kim Dong Ik
05교육부 주관 고교교육 기여대학 지원사업 선정(2년, 약 4.6억원)
05Selected as a high school education contribution university support project hosted by the Ministry of Education (2 years, approximately KRW 460 million)
02H-CUBE 통합시스템 구축
이러닝 스튜디오 첨단 시스템 구축
02Establishment of H-CUBE integrated system
Establishment of an e-learning studio cutting-edge system
12간호대학 한국간호교육평가원 시행 간호교육인증평가 5년인증 획득
2019 대학기관평가 ‘최우수등급’ 인증 획득
12College of Nursing acquired 5-year accreditation from Nursing Education Accreditation Evaluation conducted by Korea Institute of Nursing Education Evaluation and Planning
Acquired ‘highest grade’ certification in 2019 university evaluation
06교육부 ‘이공분야 대학중점연구소 사업’ 선정 (9년, 약 68억원 지원)
06Selected as ‘Science and Engineering University Key Research Institute Project’ by the Ministry of Education (9 years, approximately KRW 6.8 billion supported)
05스위스정부관광청과 관광객 건강 맞춤 서비스 제공 협약 체결
보건산업대학원 AI전문연구실 개소식(7년, 약 38억원 지원)
05Signed an agreement with the Swiss National Tourism Office to provide customized health services for tourists
Opening ceremony of the AI Research Lab at the Graduate School of Health Industry (7 years, approximately KRW 3.8 billion supported)
04미국 USC(University of Southern California)와 학술 및 연구
협력을 위한 MOU 체결
04Academic and research with USC (University of Southern California)
MOU signed for cooperation
01교육부 ‘대학혁신지원사업’ 선정 (3년, 약 72억원 지원)
01Selected as a ‘University Innovation Support Project’ by the Ministry of Education (3 years, approximately KRW 7.2 billion supported)
12의학전문대학원 한국의학교육평가원 시행 의학교육평가 4년 인증
124-year medical education evaluation certification conducted by the Korea Institute of Medical Education Evaluation for the Graduate School of Medicine
09‘행복도서관’ 개관
09‘Happy Library’ opened
08교육부 ‘대학기본역량진단평가’ 최고등급 ‘자율개선대학’ 선정
'글로벌센터'(LA 기숙사) 개소
08Selected as a ‘Self-improvement University’ with the highest rating in the Ministry of Education’s ‘University Basic Competency Diagnostic Evaluation’
‘Global Center’ (LA dormitory) opened
03대학 홍보관 ‘차우라홀’ 개관
‘직장예비군중대’ 창설식
03University promotional center ‘Chaura Hall’ opened
Establishment ceremony of ‘Workplace Reserve Company’
10개교 20주년 기념식 행사
임상상담심리대학원 신설
1020th anniversary celebration event
Establishment of the Graduate School of Clinical Counseling Psychology
04Change in name of educational organization (Department of Health and Welfare Information → Department of Health and Welfare Administration, Department of Convergence Management → Department of Data Management, Department of Art Therapy → Department of Art Therapy and Counseling Psychology)
Establishment of a new affiliated organization (Entrepreneurship Support Group)
Admission quota for 2018 school year confirmed (540 people ⇒ 504 people, 36 people reduced)
(Increase: Art Therapy/Counseling Psychology Department 40 → 50)
(Reduction: Department of Health and Welfare Administration 50 people → 40 people, Department of Health and Medical Industry 46 people → 40 people, Department of Sports Medicine 52 people → 51 people, Department of Biomedical Science 46 people → 40 people
Department of Biotechnology 46 → 45, Department of Food and Biotechnology 50 → 42, Department of Data Management 60 → 50, Department of Medical Promotion and Media 50 → 46)
03차 의과학대학교-대진대학교-신한대학교 간의 상호 교류협력 강화 협약식
03Agreement ceremony to strengthen mutual exchange and cooperation between CHA University, Daejin University, and Shinhan University
09전국 최초「학생행복위원회-학생행복본부」발족 및 현판식
교육조직 명칭변경 (글로벌경영학과 → 융합경영학과)
교육조직 신설 (스포츠의학대학원)
부속기관 명칭변경 (평생교육원 → 글로벌미래교육원)
부속기관 신설 (학생행복본부: 학습지원센터, 학생만족센터, 취업지원센터, 행복나눔센터)
09Inauguration and plaque hanging ceremony of the nation’s first “Student Happiness Committee-Student Happiness Headquarters”
Change of name of educational organization (Department of Global Management → Department of Convergence Management)
New educational organization established (Sports Medicine Graduate School)
Change of name of affiliated organization (Lifelong Education Center → Global Future Education Center)
Establishment of new affiliated organizations (Student Happiness Headquarters: Learning Support Center, Student Satisfaction Center, Employment Support Center, Happiness Sharing Center)
05Educational organization name changed (Department of Medical Promotion and Imaging → Department of Medical Promotion and Media)
Admission quota adjustment for 2017 school year (self-adjustment)
(Increase: Department of Health and Medical Industry 40 → 46, Department of Sports Medicine 50 → 52, Department of Biomedical Science 45 → 46, Department of Biotechnology 45 → 46)
(Reduction in staff: 70 people in the Department of Global Management → 60 people)
01평생교육원 개원
01Opening of Lifelong Education Center
08특수대학원 「보건복지대학원」 → 「보건산업대학원」명칭 변경
계약학과 설치
– 건강과학대학 메디컬뷰티산업학과 신설
– 일반대학원 고령친화산업학과 석사과정, 박사과정 신설
– 보건산업대학원 메디컬뷰티산업 전공 석사과정 신설
08Special graduate school name changed from 「Graduate School of Health and Welfare」 → 「Graduate School of Health Industry」
Contract department established
– Establishment of the Department of Medical Beauty Industry in the College of Health Sciences
– Establishment of Master’s and Doctoral programs in the Department of Elderly-Friendly Industry at the Graduate School
– Establishment of a new master’s course in medical beauty industry at the Graduate School of Health Industry
05일반대학원내 “고령친화산업학과” 석사과정 신설
05Establishment of a new master’s program in the “Age-Friendly Industry Department” within the general graduate school
042016학년도 입학정원 조정(확정) (540명)
04Admission quota adjustment (confirmed) for the 2016 school year (540 students)
02제9대 이훈규 총장 취임
02Inauguration of the 9th President Lee Hoon Gyu
012013년 교육역량강화 지원사업 성과평가 최우수대학 선정
01Selected as the best university in the 2013 educational capacity building support project performance evaluation
07건강과학대학 헬스산업학과 감원 (50명→30명)
융합과학대학 글로벌경영학과 감원 (100명→90명)
융합과학대학 미술치료학과 신설 (30명)
07Reduction in Health Industry Department, College of Health Sciences (50 → 30)
Reduction in Global Management Department, College of Convergence Science (100 → 90)
Establishment of Art Therapy Department in Convergence Science College (30 students)
12대학기관평가 5년(2014년 – 2018년) 인증 획득
12Obtained 5 years of university institutional evaluation (2014 – 2018) certification
10개교 17주년 기념행사
1017th Anniversary Celebration of School Opening
09교육부 ‘BK21 플러스 사업’ 선정
09Selected as ‘BK21 Plus Project’ by Ministry of Education
11Admission quota confirmed for 2011 school year (320 students)
– College of Health Sciences: Department of Health and Welfare Information (50 students), Department of Health Industry (60 students)
– College of Biomedical Science: Department of Biomedical Science (40 students), Department of Bio-Industry Applications (40 students)
– Department of Food and Biotechnology (40 students)
– College of Nursing: Department of Nursing (70 students)
– College of Pharmacy: Department of Pharmacy (20 students)
082011학년도 차 의과학대학교 입학정원 210명 증원 확정 (110명→320명)
082011학년도 차 의과학대학교 입학정원 210명 증원 확정 (110명→320명)
03Selected for the 2010 University Education Capacity Building Project for three consecutive years
New College of Pharmacy confirmed for 2011 (admission quota: 20 students)
032010년 대학 교육역량강화사업 3년 연속 선정
2011학년도 약학대학 신설 확정 (입학정원 20명)
02Signed an educational research agreement with UC Mercede, California, USA
02미국 캘리포니아 주립 머시드 대학(UC Mercede)와 교육 * 연구 협약 체결
11University Development Fund [Beautiful Companionship] [Beautiful Promise] Launching Ceremony
11대학발전기금 [아름다운 동행] [아름다운 약속] 출범식
09Selected as a university-focused research institute support project
09대학중점연구소 지원사업 선정
08Establishment of the Department of Bio-Industry Applications within the College of Biomedical Sciences
08의생명대학내 바이오산업응용학과 신설
04Selected for the 2009 University Education Capacity Building Project for two consecutive years
042009년 대학 교육역량강화사업 2년 연속 선정
03School name changed from Pocheon Joongmoon Medical University to CHA University
Inauguration of the 7th President Park Myeong Jae
Reorganization of College of Health Sciences and College of Biomedical Sciences
Department of Nursing in the Faculty of Nursing, Department of Health Administration and Information in the Department of Health Administration and Information
Changed from the Department of Industrial Welfare to the Department of Silver Industrial Welfare, and from the Department of Molecular Life Sciences to the Department of Biomedical Sciences.
03포천중문의과대학교에서 차 의과학대학교 교명 변경
제 7대 박명재 총장 취임
건강과학대학 및 의생명대학 조직 개편
간호학부에서 간호학과, 보건행정정보학부에서 보건행정정보학과
실버산업복지학부에서 실버산업복지학과, 분자생명과학부에서 의생명과학과로 변경
생명과학전문대학원이 일반대학원 의생명과학과로 전환
09Selected as a 2008 excellent human resources training university education capacity building project
092008년 우수인력 양성 대학 교육역량강화사업 선정
08Opening of affiliated clinical medical research center
08부설 임상의학연구소 개소
05Signed agreement with Pocheon City for a Healthy Family Support Center
05포천시와 건강가정지원센터 협약 체결
09Joint research agreement signed between MCLEAN Hospital
09MCLEAN병원 간의 공동 연구조사 협정 체결
07The Department of Health Administration and Information has adjusted its own quota from 50 to 30.
Newly established Department of Molecular Life Sciences (capacity: 20)
07보건행정정보학부 정원 50명에서 30명으로 자체 정원 조정
분자생명과학부 신설 (정원 20명)
03Academic exchange and industry-academia cooperation agreement signed with Kwangwoon University
6th President Kim Byeong Soo reappointed
Department of Public Health and Department of Health Administration and Information
College of Silver Industrial Welfare changed its name to the Department of Silver Industrial Welfare
03광운대학교와 학술교류 및 산학협력 협정 체결
제6대 김병수 총장 연임
보건학부가 보건행정정보학부
실버산업복지학과가 실버산업복지학부로 명칭 변경
11Academic exchange agreement signed with Korea Digital University
11한국디지털대학교와 학술교류 협정 체결
09Selected as an excellent university in the 2004 University Specialization Support Project
Signed an industry-academic cooperation agreement with Anmyeondo International Development & Marine Co., Ltd. (Spa Castle Resort)
09「2004년도 대학특성화 지원사업」우수대학 선정
안면도 국제개발해양주식회사(스파캐슬리조트)와 산학협력 체결
06Completion ceremony for expansion of Gumi Cha Hospital affiliated with Pocheon Joongmoon Medical University (505 beds)
06포천중문 의과대학교 부속 구미 차병원 증축 준공식(505병상)
05CRI (CHA Research Institute) opened
The first Natural Hormone Therapy Seoul Symposium held
05CRI(CHA Research Institute) 개소
제 1회 천연호르몬 요법 서울 심포지엄 개최
04Launch of Pocheon Joongmoon Medical University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation
04포천중문 의과대학교 산학협력단 발족
10Opening of the second laboratory of the Clinical Medicine Research Institute
10임상의학연구소 제 2연구실 개설
09Graduate School of Public Health changed its name to Graduate School of Health and Welfare.
09보건대학원이 보건복지대학원으로 명칭 변경
05Chairman Cha Kyung Seop and Madame Jang Bo Seop bust unveiling ceremony
05차경섭 이사장, 장보섭 여사 흉상 제막식
11Division of Medicine converted to Graduate School of Medicine
11의학부가 의학전문대학원으로 전환
10Approved for establishment of new graduate school nursing department (20 master’s students)
College of Medicine changed to the Department of Medicine, and College of Nursing changed to the Department of Nursing
10대학원 간호학과(석사 20명) 신설 인가
의학과가 의학부, 간호학과가 간호학부로 변경
06Pocheon Joongmoon Medical University declared ‘campus clean area’
06포천중문 의과대학교 ‘캠퍼스 청정지역’ 선포
03Inauguration of the 5th President Kim Byeong Soo
03제 5대 김병수 총장 취임
02The first Pocheon Joongmoon Medical University Graduation Ceremony (40 graduates from the School of Nursing)
Nursing Department's first Pin Award Ceremony
02제 1회 포천중문 의과대학교 졸업식(간호학부 졸업생 40명 배출)
간호학과 제 1회 핀 수여식
01Approval for establishment of nursing department teaching course (conditional)
01간호학과 교직과정 설치 승인(조건부)
11‘Seoul Symposium on Stem Cells & Therapeutic Cloning’ held, an international symposium related to stem cells
11줄기세포 관련 국제 심포지움 ‘Seoul Symposium on Stem Cells & Therapeutic Cloning’ 개최
07Approved for establishment of the Department of Health Administration and Information with 50 students, graduate school (maximum of 15 master's and doctoral students in the Department of Medicine) and graduate school of life sciences (maximum of 25 master's and doctoral students)
07보건행정정보학부 50명, 대학원(정원 의학과 석,박사 15명) 및 생명과학전문대학원(정원 석,박사 25명) 설립 인가
04Establishment of Cell Gene Therapy Research Center
04세포유전자 치료연구소 설립
034th President Lee Yu Bok reappointed
03제4대 이유복 총장 연임
02Opening of senior and research courses at the Graduate School of Alternative Medicine
02대체의학대학원 고위과정 및 연구과정 개설
12Signed educational cooperation agreement with Emperor University of Oriental Medicine, USA
12미국 엠퍼러 한의과대학과 교육 협력 체결
07Approved for establishment of the Graduate School of Alternative Medicine (capacity: 20 master’s students) and the Graduate School of Public Health (capacity: 20 master’s students)
07대체의학대학원(정원:석사 20명) 및 보건대학원(정원:석사20명)설립 인가
01Pocheon Joongmoon Medical University Hyeonam Memorial Hall groundbreaking ceremony
Held a night to support the development of Pocheon Joongmoon Medical University
01포천중문 의과대학교 현암기념관 기공식
포천중문 의과대학교 발전 후원의 밤 개최
09Establishment and opening of Gumi Cha Hospital affiliated with Pocheon Joongmoon Medical University
09포천중문 의과대학교 부속 구미차병원 설립 및 개원
01Inauguration of the 3rd President Lee Yu Bok
01제 3대 이유복 총장 취임
12Pocheon Joongmoon Medical University emblem changed
12포천중문 의과대학교 엠블럼 변경
12Inauguration of the 2nd President Jeon Tae Jun
12제 2대 전태준 총장 취임
03Pocheon Joongmoon Medical University opening ceremony
The first new student entrance ceremony (40 pre-medical students admitted)
03포천중문 의과대학교 개교식
제1회 신입생 입학식(의예과 40명 입학)
02Inauguration of the first President Cha Kwang Ryeol
02초대 차광렬 총장 취임
10Approved for establishment of ‘School Corporation Seonggwang Academy’