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차 의과학대학교에서 세계적 권위가 입증된 SCI(Science Citation Index)급 학술지에 게재된 우수 논문들을 소개합니다.

Effective Modulation of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress for Enhanced Regeneration of Intervertebral Discs Using 3D Porous Hyb

개제 일
주 저자
한인보(교신): 분당차병원 신경외과
공동 저자
안성배: 분당차병원 신경외과
학술지 명
Advanced Materials
인용 지수

Effective Modulation of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress for Enhanced Regeneration of Intervertebral Discs Using 3D Porous Hybrid Protein Nanoscaffold

Letao Yang , Basanta Bhujel , Yannan Hou , Jeffrey Luo , Seong Bae An , Inbo Han , Ki-Bum Lee


Degeneration of fibrocartilaginous tissues is often associated with complex pro-inflammatory factors. These include reactive oxygen species (ROS), cell-free nucleic acids (cf-NAs), and epigenetic changes in immune cells. To effectively control this complex inflammatory signaling, it developed an all-in-one nanoscaffold-based 3D porous hybrid protein (3D-PHP) self-therapeutic strategy for treating intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. The 3D-PHP nanoscaffold is synthesized by introducing a novel nanomaterial-templated protein assembly (NTPA) strategy. 3D-PHP nanoscaffolds that avoid covalent modification of proteins demonstrate inflammatory stimuli-responsive drug release, disc-mimetic stiffness, and excellent biodegradability. Enzyme-like 2D nanosheets incorporated into nanoscaffolds further enabled robust scavenging of ROS and cf-NAs, reducing inflammation and enhancing the survival of disc cells under inflammatory stress in vitro. Implantation of 3D-PHP nanoscaffolds loaded with bromodomain extraterminal inhibitor (BETi) into a rat nucleotomy disc injury model effectively suppressed inflammation in vivo, thus promoting restoration of the extracellular matrix (ECM). The resulting regeneration of disc tissue facilitated long-term pain reduction. Therefore, self-therapeutic and epigenetic modulator-encapsulated hybrid protein nanoscaffold shows great promise as a novel approach to restore dysregulated inflammatory signaling and treat degenerative fibrocartilaginous diseases, including disc injuries, providing hope and relief to patients worldwide.

  • PMID  : 37327108
  • Fulltext : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.202303021