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Long-term impact of smoking cessation on new glottic cancer events in patients with early glottic cancer

개제 일
주 저자
김민수(제1): 분당차병원 이비인후과
공동 저자
학술지 명
Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica
인용 지수

Long-term impact of smoking cessation on new glottic cancer events in patients with early glottic cancer


Min-Su Kim, Hong-Gyun Wu, Myung-Whun Sung, Tack-Kyun Kwon

Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica, 42(6):525-530. doi: 10.14639/0392-100X-N1917


Objective: Patients with early glottic cancer sometimes exhibit new glottic cancer events after 5 years. This study aimed to analyse the patterns and risk factors of new glottic cancer events in patients with early glottic cancer 5 years after initial treatment.

Methods: In total, 209 patients were included in this study. Age, sex, T stage, anterior commissure involvement, smoking pattern and treatment modality were retrospectively analysed.

Results: The median follow-up was 91 (range, 60-266) months. The median time for the occurrence of new glottic cancer events was 97 (range, 61-199) months. New glottic cancer events occurred 5 years after initial treatment in 16 (7.6%) patients, among whom 12 (75.0%) had new glottic cancer event lesions overlapping with initial lesions. Smoking cessation after treatment was significantly correlated with fewer new glottic cancer events after 5 years.

Conclusions: New glottic cancer events occurring 5 years after initial treatment in patients with early glottic cancer are not negligible. In particular, if smoking is continued after treatment, these patients can experience new glottic cancer events even after 5 years.

Keywords: glottis; laryngeal neoplasms; recurrence; smoking cessation.

- PMID: 36654518

- Fulltext: https://www.actaitalica.it/article/view/1917