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Pathologic discrepancies between colposcopy-directed biopsy and loop electrosurgical excision procedure of the uterine cervix i

논문 작성자
Se Ik Kim, Se Jeong Kim, Dong Hoon Suh, Kidong Kim, Jae Hong No, and Yong Beom Kim
논문 게재지
Journal of Gynecologic Oncology
논문 게재년
논문 게재월

Pathologic discrepancies between colposcopy-directed biopsy and loop electrosurgical excision procedure of the uterine cervix in women with cytologic high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions


Se Ik Kim, Se Jeong Kim, Dong Hoon Suh, Kidong Kim, Jae Hong No, and Yong Beom Kim

Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 31:e13, doi:10.3802/jgo.2020.31.e13


Objective: To investigate pathologic discrepancies between colposcopy-directed biopsy (CDB) of the cervix and loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) in women with cytologic high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs).

Materials and Methods: We retrospectively identified 297 patients who underwent both CDB and LEEP for HSILs in cervical cytology between 2015 and 2018, and compared their pathologic results. Considering the LEEP to be the gold standard, we evaluated the diagnostic performance of CDB for identifying cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grades 2 and 3, adenocarcinoma in situ, and cancer (HSIL+). We also performed age subgroup analyses.

Results: Among the study population, 90.9% (270/297) had pathologic HSIL+ using the LEEP. The diagnostic performance of CDB for identifying HSIL+ was as follows: sensitivity, 87.8%; specificity, 59.3%; balanced accuracy, 73.6%; positive predictive value, 95.6%; and negative predictive value, 32.7%. Thirty-three false negative cases of CDB included CIN2,3 (n=29) and cervical cancer (n=4). The pathologic HSIL+ rate in patients with HSIL− by CDB was 67.3% (33/49). CDB exhibited a significant difference in the diagnosis of HSIL+ compared to LEEP in all patients (p<0.001). In age subgroup analyses, age groups

Conclusions: A significant pathologic discrepancy was observed between CDB and LEEP results in women with cytologic HSILs. The diagnostic inaccuracy of CDB increased in those ≥50 years of age.

- Fulltext: https://ejgo.org/DOIx.php?id=10.3802/jgo.2020.31.e13