
자주찾는 메뉴

Other graduate school scholarships


On-campus scholarship

Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, Graduate School of Health Industry, Graduate School of Art Therapy, Graduate School of Clinical Pharmacy

Other graduate school scholarships
Scholarships Eligibility Scholarship Amount Requirements
CHA Love Scholarship Freshman
50% of tuition fee – CHA University employees
– CHA Medical Group employees
– 25% of tuition fee – Contract department
President’s Scholarship – Whitin 50% of tuition fee – A person with excellent practical and field training skills in related fields such as natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, sports, etc.
– A person who works at a public institution and can participate in academic activities and education on and off campus
– A person who is employed at an MOU signing institution and has been recommended by the Dean of Graduate School
(Limited to admissions of 2 or more people who have been employed for more than 1 year)
Graduate School Dean’s Scholarship – 25% of tuition fee – Bachelor’s degree from Cha university
– A student who supports academic administration work
– A person who participates in a faculty member’s research project and supports research work
– A person recommended by the Dean of Graduate School as a contributor to on-campus and off-campus volunteer work and student autonomy activities
– Persons recommended by the head of an MOU signing institution or the dean of a graduate school (limited to Freshman)
– Contributed or are expected to contribute to the development of the graduate school and who have been recommended by the dean of the graduate school
Excellent Paper Scholarship Enrolled students – 300,000 to 1,000,000 Won – IF Credit
▶ In cases where the president deems it special, the scholarship amount can be adjusted.
▶ Applies only to those registered for the semester.
장학금명 장학금액 대상
총장장학금 수업료 25% 차 의과학대학교 교직원 및 차병원그룹 임직원
관련분야 실무전문가 장학금 수업료 50% 의학, 자연과학, 인문사회과학 분야로서 소정의 실무 경험을 충족하고 교내 학술활동 및 교육 등에 참여할 수 있는 경우
장학금명 장학금액 대상
총장장학금 수업료 25% 차 의과학대학교 교직원 및 차병원그룹 임직원
대학원장 장학금 수업료 일부 우수학생으로 대학원장의 추천을 받은 자 (보건산업대학원, 미술치료대학원)
실무전문가 장학금
수업료 50% 의학, 자연과학, 인문사회과학 분야로서 소정의 실무
경험을 충족하고 교내 학술활동 및 교육 등에 참여할 수 있는 경우
아름다운 동행 장학금 수업료 전액 또는 일부 가계곤란자의 경우 서류심사를 거쳐 선정